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Free Smiles!
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile. Sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” -Thich Nhat Hanh Smile chelas of the light. For the Great Central Sun shines upon us. And out the great throne of warmth and fire, Helios comes to adorn us. Smile... -
New Year’s Message January 1st 2022
“Holy Star” 32 x 26 Glass 2021 This mosaic is of the nativity scene at Jesus’s birth. Jesus, Mary, and Saint Germain (Joseph) can be seen here perched on a hillside. Three shaman kings have come to adorn him, bearing gifts and wisdom for his mission. The River of LIfe... -
Peekaboo ~ I See You ! :~)
Peekaboo ~ I See You ! :~) Spring of 2012 is here! Love inspires the birds and the bees ~ and the bears to climb for honey in the trees ~ the Word is born within ~ and the Light shines brightly on what was dim ~ all is Awakening... -
Soul Freedom Techniques
These techniques are designed to help us reconnect with our personal Godhood, and begin to own our truth as a God-free being created in the image of God and having all the aspects of the whole that God IS. Within each of us are all the qualities of the whole....