These techniques are designed to help us reconnect with our personal Godhood, and begin to own our truth as a God-free being created in the image of God and having all the aspects of the whole that God IS. Within each of us are all the qualities of the whole. It is time we owned our true natures and recognized that the state of separation from our true God-source is due to these illusions rather than true reality. Take these techniques and use them as you are able. Enjoy freedom from illusions and limitations you have never experienced before.
I have given several lectures regarding these techniques on Followers of the Way Radio ( Click on each lecture to learn how to free yourself from these limitations of our inner psyches.
PART 1: Introductory Lecture
Part 1 is the start of this series designed to cover basic techniques to achieve our soul’s freedom for the victory of our ascension. Part 1 looks at soul wholeness and how to begin to recognize what is holding us back from a deeper connection with our creator.
PART 2: Shedding Our False Masks
Part 2 continues to set the foundation for the Soul Freedom Techniques, as we discuss recognizing and shedding our false mask. This segment is about creating a facade to protect our inner vulnerable selves from being hurt by the outside world and its challenges and traumas.
PART 3: Developing Wholeness in Relationships
Part 3 discusses how our relationships reflect our connection with our creator, and can be a teaching tool to show us how to be a more balanced and loving person. We continue to gain a foundational understanding in preparation for working with these Soul Freedom Techniques.
PART 4: Healing the Inner Child
Part 4 focuses on healing our inner child. In this segment wel begin the first of several techniques for healing our deep seated inner messages and emotional traumas through finding and discovering our inner child. We recognize our inner child as that vulnerable self that is the soul, easily affected by the outside world and all of it’s challenges, and often withdrawn to hide away and protect itself. SFT #1 leads us through a technique to find and strengthen our inner child.
PART 5: Identifying Our Subconscious Inner Messages
Part 5 focuses on identifying our subconscious inner messages that are affecting our life today. In this segment we begin the second technique (SFT #2) designed for identifying those deep seated inner messages and emotional traumas that lead to how we interact with our world today.
PART 6: Confronting Our False Messages
In this segment we focus on confronting the false messages we identify as influencing our present actions and behaviors. This is an important process for going straight to the cause and core of our life patterns and resolving them. We cover the process of the hird soul freedom technique (SFT #3) for healing our deep seated inner messages and emotional traumas.
PART 7: Discovering the Cause and Core of Our False Messages
This segment continues to focus on identifying and confronting the false messages that influence our present actions and behaviors. This is an important process for going straight to the cause and core of our life patterns and resolving them. We will cover more details of the third soul freedom technique for healing our deep seated inner messages and emotional traumas.
Part 8 Owning Our Personal Power
This segment focuses on the next step in the process of taking back our personal power from the liar and the lie, those false messages that influence our present actions and behaviors (SFT #4). Taking back our personal power from these false messages is a whole step in itself because it can be so difficult to do. These messages often overtake us and seem to control us despite our best intentions. Owning our personal power in the face of the lie is an important step to our soul’s freedom.