Healing is for All of us.
As we balance our Three Fold Flame, the energies of Healing become available to us. Now is the time for Global Healing, and the Healing begins within!
Physician Heal thy Self. Healing happens within. Our God Self, our Christ Self have Divine Perfection for our Being within. It’s up to us to open ourselves to the Light that is waiting to manifest in Divine perfection in our four lower bodies (physical, emotional, mental and etheric). The tools we are going to be listing here are tools to help us get in touch with our Christ Self, I AM Presence, Mother Mary, the Emerald Ray, Archangel Raphael, Healing Thought form and the Light of Life ~!: ) ~
Please share with us your Miracle Healing stories from working with the Masters, Angels, Violet Flame, or other ways you have been inspired to find True Healing within!
We are Greatfull for the Healing energies of Mother Mary, the Healing Retreats of Kwan Yin and the Light of God that is All Ways Christ Wholeness and Perfection!
Some Healing tools:
Soul Freedom Techniques
These techniques are designed to help us reconnect with our personal Godhood, and begin to own our truth as a God-free being created in the image of God and having all the aspects of the whole that God IS. Within each of us are all the qualities of the whole.... -
In the name I AM that I AM, we call forth healing for our physical bodies and for all those we name today, that all may experience health, wholeness of mind, spirit, body and soul, and be lifted into wholeness with their mighty I AM presence to experience the true... -
Mother Mary Healing Meditation
Mother Mary's Healing Meditation is a powerful outflow of Emerald Light for Healing on all levels of our being. It's most effective when listened to after doing some spiritual protection and a decree to Mother Mary. You also listen to one of Mother Mary's keynotes after the meditation for extra reinforcement. Be a Peace and enjoy :~ ) -
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious presence of God, I AM in Me, my beloved Holy Christ Self and Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, I call to blessed Mother Mary and her healing angels to bless all souls with the peace of the Divine Mother, and oneness... -
Violet Flame Saturday – Healing Service
Mother Mary’s Healing Service Index: 1) Opening invocation 2) Call to Archangel Michael 3) Mantra and Meditation 4) Decree to the Emerald Ray 5) Mantra and Visualization 6) Kwan Yin 7) Mantra and Visualization 8) Raphael Mantra and Visualization 9) Mother Mary 8) Healing Meditation -
In the name of my beloved Holy Christ self and I AM Presence, I call to all the sponsors of Ascension Now as I gaze up at the sunrise to raise the light through my chakras in a gentle flow from the base of the spine to the heart, and...