In the name of the beloved mighty victorious presence of God, I AM in Me, I call to my beloved Holy Christ self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, and the angels of the Ascension Flame to go forth to cut free all those souls who are meant to be a part of Ascension Now, prepare these souls to be ready for the steps of this plan, and to be contacted about this plan. We call to beloved Hercules, Mighty Astrea, Master More, St. Germain, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Lord Maitreya, all the masters who are sponsoring this plan to bring about the plan of Ascension Now in all our hearts and souls, and to make it real, right here and now, forever manifest. We do decree:
(Give 3x, 9x, or 12x from verse 1., then go to FINAL CODA) I AM in the flame of Ascension NOW, I AM Christ oneness here and now (9x) SEALING: We accept this prayer manifest in full power Almighty I AM, I AM in Me
The path is laid upon the sand
Treasures in our souls unfold
Victory for those so bold
To Christ I bow, I am in Thee
Oneness with Eternal Now
To Christ within I make my vow
Jesus Christ, we are the same
One with thee, our goal divine
Fulfillment of the Christ sublime!
Ascension’s flame is all about
Oh Mighty I AM now claim my soul
Christ-Victory the highest goal
right here and now throughout the planet,
to bless all souls of light,
transmute all areas of darkness
and raise all into ascension‘s light.
I AM in thee, thy self in Me
Thy victory’s mine, thy hope divine
God seals all in His love sublime.
Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM!