I AM God Purity and I AM come that All might have Life and that they Might have Ascension into the Light. This is the Age of Ascension. The Shift of the Ages is the Ascension of the Ages. This is the Great Work. This is Your Great Work. To transmute the illusions, the lies, the pride, the doubts and fears and seperation and exchange all that is not pure for the True Purity of Your Being.
Ascension is about moving higher in your conscious awareness, moving higher out of the human dross, the ego, and ascending into God Reality. Purity is Reality. Light is Pure. God is Pure. You are Pure most Beloved.
Do you See your selves as Pure? Do you see your Beloved Freedom’s Star as Pure? Not all is being it’s True Nature. So Purity comes to help show the Way from impure thoughts, feelings, actions and experiences and into the Abundant Way of Being.
Purity is One with the Mother Light – is an outflow of the Mother Light – the Ray of the Mother. Creation is the Mother Light. You are here to Raise the Mother Light so that the Mother can reunite with the Father in the spiritual realms. To Raise every atom, cell and electron in your Universe until it has fully Ascended into the Light – and you are Free! And you are Free Now when you connect with your Life Presence. You are Life. Life is Free. In Being is Found in the Purity of your Being.
To connect with Purity is to connect with Reality. To connect with Reality is to connect with the Unconditional Love that God has for All of Creation – to the Power of never ending spheres of Creation – to the Wisdom of the Divine Blue Print – the mind of Christ. In Purity we find the Rock of Christ, the rock unto which we will build this Golden Age beloved. A Golden Age which does not rot nor fall – rather the Age that continues to expand and grow in the Light until this planet has fully Ascended into the Spiritual Realms and Life is Free to Be.
The journey through the age of impurity has been a challenge for many, for most, for all beloved. Now we face the inititations that humanity faced so long ago, and was not ready yet to have their victory. And Now Life IS MORE. By working together, by working on your own Ascension, in Unity and Oneness with the communities of Light, of Christ, of Purity, you will have your Victories Beloved. Freedom’s Star and her people’s Ascension is Being One and Won.
And this Victory comes from the perfect balance of your Heart Flame Beloved – Power, Wisdom and Love, balanced in Divine Harmony. As you balance your three fold flame, as you reignite those areas in your flame that may have gone out, been squashed or not fully been present with you – you will find your flame expanding, your Life Force expanding.
Your Three Fold Flame is the True Power of this Universe for your experience. This is what makes you Divine most beloved. Love your Flames. And in so balancing the Light – you can move into Purity. You can move into Being Pure, Being Purity. And this is the initiation beloved, to Be Purity.
Many are called and Now is your time to BE. The choices of the past affect our ability to magnetize to us the opportunities that present themselves in the now. The opportunity to Be in the Ascension Flame Beloved. To Be the God Power, Wisdom and Love perfectly Balanced – and ever Expanding.
The Purity in Heart shall inherit the Earth and Mansions of consciousness within shall be opened to those who choose to follow the Way of Being Purity.
Build your lives on the rock of that which is Real. Build your communities on the rock of the balance of Power, Wisdom and Love. Build your nations on the rock of Purity. That which is Pure can continuously transcend itself. No more ups and downs beloved. Transcendence.
What Transcends itself in Purity can Always BE MORE. This is the Rock from which you are meant to BE Beloved. Strengthen your Flames – your Three Fold Flame – by focusing your decrees, your service to the Light on the Flame you need the most help on.
Have you taken back and perfectly exercised your God Power? Have you the wisdom and discernment to divide the Real from the unreal so as to See and Hear the Light in All around you? Have you truly Loved your Self as the Most Beloved and thereby allowed this Love to outflow through all of your thoughts, feelings, creations, relationships and ongoings?
Do not expect human perfection, this is a trap that is set up to ensnare those who would otherwise choose to Walk the Way of Purity. God Purity does not expect any human to be anywhere near perfect, nor does God Purity expect for any human to Be Truly Pure. As long as you see yourself as human, Purity evades you. Yet while you are having a human experience – you are MORE Beloved. You are Divine. You are a Divine Being expressing itself in the world of form. You are the Oneness individualized. You are the Breath of God. You are the outflow of Light from the Great Central Sun. You are a unique and beautiful Crystalline Flame of God. You are an extension of your I AM Presence. You are as I AM. You are the Christ. Now is your opportunity to give up the limitations of being human for Being who you are in I AM – because with man it is not possible, but with your Three Fold Flame – All things are Possible!
Your Ascension burns from within you. The Ascension Flames that will guide you to your own Quickening, Ressurection and Ascension in the Light – All outflow from your own Beloved I AM Presence. Your I AM Presence that you can claim your Oneness with – because this is the Pure Reality – you are your Presence expressing it Self in the World of Form – and yet you are MORE.
Choose oh Soul of Light to Purify – to Awaken to the Pure Truth of your Being – to surrender the impurities that you have accumulated during your sojourns here beloved – Love your Self to God Power, Wisdom and Love of God in All of Creation.
I AM Purity and I AM sponsoring those souls who are choosing to sacrifice the lies, the lack and the limitations that they have accepted into their energy fields on this planet. To sacrifice the human ego beloved on the Altar of the Most High within themselves, within you. To sacrifice non-being for Being.
I AM Sponsoring those who carry their cross up the hill of the things of this world and who are ready to give up the ghost of seperation and move back into the Wholeness of Unity with their own I AM Presence – with All of Life. To get off the Cross. This is what I choose to Sponsor for you beloved.
In order to get off the cross you must carry the cross – surrender the burdens to Christ within and your burden will Be Light. Surrender to Being – this is the Pure and innocent act of handing over the very fiber of your being to God Reality that Lives within your Heart – and choosing Life – Choosing to BE – this is the initiation that all must pass to move into the Kingdom within.
To pass through the eye of the needle, to pass through the single eye of Cyclopea, to pass through the eye of Being Purity.
So give up the fears, give up the human desires, should you be ready to have your Victory. God Desires – Blue Flame Desires – are so much MORE Beloved. Give up the human logic, the questioning, the outer mind, the reasoning, I tell you the day of the human reasoning being an asset on this planet is over. The ego becomes the greatest deficit in the Age of Pure Being – because the ego keeps you away from Being Beloved. In the Now you will find your Purity. You will find your inner child. And by so doing, you can heal with your inner child and follow that child into the kingdom of your I AM Presence within – into the Love that passes understanding.
And this is the journey. To Purity. To Surrender to Being. To Being from your own White Fire Core. Know your Self and you will know me. Know your Self and you will enter the kingdom of Heaven expanding within you Now. You will join Purity’s Bands as a beautiful individualization of your own God Self should you choose to perfect the balance of Power, Wisdom and Love within you.
The darkness has had it’s day. Now is the Age of Light. Choose to Be.
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