I AM Archangel Michael.
For millennia the hosts of archangels have been present with humanity, protecting, defending, healing and guiding. Now it is time to know who you are and to pick up your own swords. Your Sword is your Word. And when you use the Sacred Word to call in the hosts of Heaven, so much more can be done in partnership with you.
Yes there is much we have done for you and all humanity. Now we are in union; when you Call upon us with your Sacred Word, we can come and uplift this planet and all who reside here. There is much to be done. And the time is now. You are us. Many of you are Angels in embodiment, Masters; you are all Masters. And it is time for you to Know this and to Wake Up, to who you truly are and the Power within You. Be conscious of your spoken Word and your thoughts for they lead to your actions. It is time, Beloved Ones to wield your power and direct it towards your own enlightenment. The time for taking it easy and putting your inner work off until tomorrow is over! We are moving at a fearless pace for the Ascension of this planet. Join us. Make your deeds count. Express your Sacred Words and Call upon the Hosts of Heaven, the Archangels and the Masters. We are here to assist you always in Sacred Loving Service. It is our honour to cocreate with you this most auspicious time of great change and transformation on planet Earth and throughout the whole Universe. I am here for you, to protect, defend and to clear this planet for the Way of the Light.
With deep Love and Faith, I AM your Archangel Michael.
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