In the Name I AM THAT I AM, Saint Germain and all cosmic Beings and Hierarchs of the Violet Flame we call for the transmutation of (entities, areas of darkness). Therefore we decree: (REFRAIN): Bless the earth with violet light (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN)
With a mighty miracle violet girth
Transform earth’s karma purify
The emotional belt, now sanctify
Infill the skies with purple and white
Ring the oceans with violet blue
Shower the seas with a purple hue
Blaze forth from cosmic beings of light
Transmute the cause and core of fear
Hold in your arms all those so dear
Transmute all causes of war we pray
Send legions of angels into the fray
Stop the conditions of war this day
Blaze forth upon the earth we pray
Bring us peace, transmute the dire
Darkest predictions of the day
With a miracle of great rebirth
Raise us all to a whole new page
Ascend the earth to a golden age
(Give decree 3x, 9x, or 33x from verse 1., then go to FINAL CODA)
Saturate the earth with violet light!
Mighty violet ray of light! (9x)
We accept this prayer manifest in full power here and now throughout the planet,
to bless all souls of light, transmute all areas of darkness, and raise all into ascension’s light.
Almighty I AM, I AM in Me
I AM in thee, thy self in Me
Thy victory’s mine, thy hope divine
God seals all in His love sublime.
Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM.
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