In the name I AM THAT I AM, we call to the Chohans of the Ninth Ray of Meditation, Isis and Osiris in their retreat over Mount Shasta, to come forth and seal us in this ray of meditative bliss. We also call to Elohim Marcus and Elizabeth and all the Buddhas of the ninth ray of meditation to come forth and overshadow us this day, and especially to beloved Maitreya to overshadow us with your Buddhic sense. Guide us to the truth of our being, becoming More of thy Buddhic light:
[Leader: Now form the lotus posture comfortably sitting down, or sit in a chair with arms gently enfolded in your lap. Close your eyes and visualize the Chohans, Elohim and Lord Maitreya reaching out with their arms, palms extended outward and upward, to show the path of blissful meditation. Visualize the lotus flower in the crown chakra opening wide to allow you to enter that secret chakra just above your head. Call out the name of your I Am Presence, and visualize that presence slowly and quietly descending into your aura and being. Welcome your Mighty I Am with open arms, and see that I Am enter into all atoms, cells, and electrons within your four lower bodies, and then enter into the secret chamber of your heart. Say “I welcome you, my Mighty I AM, and give this call together with you in full strength and light“] (REFRAIN): Peace infill, peace instill (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN) (REFRAIN) CODA: Divine bliss in meditation, Be quiet, be still, within I find
Inner tones of soundless vibration
Blaze through my being in waves of motion
Blessed at-one-ment in great devotion
Buddha flame, within be still,
Peace forestall, to thee we call
Buddha peace, now bless us all
Silence, ne’er the lips do part
Quietly arise, my true God-design
The dove descends, a loving sign
My divine self does sweetly descend
Victorious ascent of my earthly self
Intertwining, forming my glorious new self
As above so below, we are the same
Transforming light of glorious health
Bring me back to my I Am self
Interconnected, the defining mudra
Sustaining comfort, I soar ever skyward
Peaceful intent, Thy love flows outward
Divine chakra opens above my crown
Transcendent thought, experience the I Am
Deep in contemplative thought I’m found
Lilies of lilac now imbue
Dependence upon this Buddhic realm
Reliance upon God’s blessed helm
I Am Oneness, endearing devotion
Awareness of my I Am name
Connecting with this secret flame
Buddha light, infill my mind
Quietly come, I Am in me,
Buddha light, thy truth I see
We accept this prayer manifest in full power here and now throughout the planet,
to bless all souls of light, transmute all areas of darkness, and raise all into oneness with the Buddha within.
Almighty I AM, I AM in Me
I AM in thee, thy self in Me
Thy victory’s mine, thy hope divine
God seals all in His love sublime.
Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM.