by The Goddess of Freedom
Relax in a comfortable position and choose a person for whom you would like to increase your capacity of caring. Once you choose this person, visualize this person standing in front of you surrounded by an ovoid of pink light. As you observe this person you notice this person all of a sudden erupt in violet flame energy until he (or she) is so consumed you cannot see him anymore.
Visualize this person being surrounded by this violet flame for a few moments. After a while the violet fire slowly retreats, and you see the person again but he appears different. Now he is radiating love and peace and smiles at you. You realize that the violet flame has burned away the false mask of the ego and revealed his true self. This true self feels familiar to you, like an old friend.
You see this person expressing love, always humble and caring and always radiating positivity. This person is not defensive or prideful, but warm and open. He is nurturing and encouraging. He is respectful and understanding and listen intently when you speak with honest interest. When you need a friend he is always there to offer you a helping hand. He cares enough to let you know when you are out of alignment with God but does it in a loving way. At all times he is brimming with optimism, and enjoys life every moment. This person is thinking of how he can make life better for those around him even at his own expense.
Spend a few minutes in communion with the real self of this person. Imagine situations and how his real self would handle it.
When you are ready to end this meditation hold this vision throughout the day and if you are around him, and he is being negative remind yourself that he has amnesia and will snap out soon and become his real self again.
Seal this meditation by affirming:
Almighty I AM, I AM in me I AM in thee, thyself in me Thy victory’s mine, thy hope divine God seals all in pure love sublime Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM