In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, all Cosmic beings and angels of the cosmic cross of white fire, I call to beloved God-Purity to blaze forth your cosmic light and flame upon Ascension Now, all of it’s members and all souls who are meant to make their ascension now. Bless all and raise all to the light of our Mighty I Am Presence here and now in this moment, we do decree: (REFRAIN): I AM Pure, Pure, Pure (REFRAIN – THEN VERSE 3) (Give decree 3x, 9x, or 12x from verse 1., FINAL CODA: Purity’s flame blaze forth in me
God-Purity’s Ray now show the way
Pure white flame, come surround me
Crystal radiance all around me
Transcending by Thy grace
I AM Pure, Pure, Pure
I AM, I do embrace
Transform my impure thoughts to see
The truth of life, now clear to me
Enlightenment the path I see
then go to FINAL CODA)
Purity’s fire help me to BE (3x)
We accept this prayer manifest in full power here and now throughout the planet, to bless all souls of light, transmute all areas of darkness, and raise all into purity’s light.
Almighty I AM, I AM in Me
I AM in thee, thy self in Me
Thy victory’s mine, thy hope divine
God seals all in His love sublime.
Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM.